时间:2019-01-10 作者:英语课 分类:英文最新流行歌曲


I get tired

And upset

And i’m trying to care a little less

When i google i only get depressed 1

I wast taught to dodge 2 those issues I was told

Don’t worry

There’s no doubt

There’s always something to cry about

When you’re stuck in an angry crowd

They don’t think what they say before they open their mouths


Pack up your troubles in you old kit 3 bag

And bury them beneath the sea

I don’t care what the people may say

What the people may say about me

Pack up your troubles get your old grin back

Don’t worry ’bout the cavalry 4

I don’t care what the whisperers say

Cos’ they whisper too loud for me.

Hot topic

Maybe I should drop it

It’s a touchy 5 subject

and I like to tiptoe round the tiff 6 goin’ down

You got penny, but no pound

your business is running out

‘not my business to talk about

They don’t think what they say before they open their mouths.


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Yeahh yeah yeah

yeah yeah




  • When he was depressed,he felt utterly divorced from reality.他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实。
  • His mother was depressed by the sad news.这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。
  • A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上辗过。
  • The dodge was coopered by the police.诡计被警察粉碎了。
  • The kit consisted of about twenty cosmetic items.整套工具包括大约20种化妆用品。
  • The captain wants to inspect your kit.船长想检查你的行装。
  • We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。
  • The enemy cavalry rode our men down. 敌人的骑兵撞倒了我们的人。
  • Be careful what you say because he's touchy.你说话小心,因为他容易生气。
  • He's a little touchy about his weight.他对自己的体重感到有点儿苦恼。
  • They patched up their tiff again.他们平息了争执,又和好如初了。
  • There was a new tiff between the two girls.那两个女孩之间有一场新的吵嘴。