时间:2019-01-13 作者:英语课 分类:2006年VOA标准英语(八月)


By Greg Flakus
New Orleans
25 August 2006

The American Society of Civil Engineers released a report in New Orleans Friday assessing problems with levees and pumping stations that led to the flooding of the city after Hurricane Katrina hit it a year ago.  The engineers say the city is still vulnerable and they call on all levels of government to act with urgency to develop adequate protection for the city, much of which lies below sea level.


The newly constructed Industrial Canal levee wall in the lower ninth ward 1 of New Orleans is seen in this July 6, 2006 file photo  
The panel of experts from the American Society of Civil Engineers produced a 10-point set of recommendations for overcoming deficiencies in the New Orleans flood-protection system. One of the first problems, they say, is the fact that there is not one system, but several, all under different governmental entities 2.

David Daniel, a member of the panel who teaches engineering at the University of Texas in Dallas, says political leaders have resisted the idea of having one system, with one person in charge, but, speaking to VOA, he says that is what is needed.

David Daniel 
"I do not see the political will or evidence of a political will right now to put someone in charge, but I want to reiterate 3 emphatically, I do not think this will work unless someone is put in charge. The alternative is the potential for catastrophe 4 in the future," he said.

Another member of the panel was retired 5 engineer and New Orleans resident Thomas Jackson, who told VOA that if various government leaders do not come together and act on the recommendations in the report, the city could be destroyed in a future storm.

Thomas Jackson  
"I believe that unless this city focuses on the risk of living in the Gulf 6 hurricane belt, this city will not exist," he said.  "I think the focus has got to be beyond anything we have ever seen."

He says there needs to be cooperation between all the various governmental units in the area, with help from the federal government, through the U.S. Army Corps 7 of Engineers, which builds the levees, and other agencies as well.

The work done over the past year by the Corps of Engineers has been criticized by many local citizens who say it has been inadequate 8. David Daniel says the focus of the past year's work was on restoring the levees, not necessarily making them better.

"We essentially 9 have levees replaced, but not heightened," said Mr. Daniel.  "The system is more or less as it was before Katrina. Therefore, at least in the large context view, the vulnerability of the levee system is really quite similar to what it was before in the sense that the levees have been restored to pre-Katrina levels of authorization 10."

Thomas Jackson says he is not confident in the current system and is hoping officials will heed 11 the call to make substantial improvements.

"My own 89-year-old mother, who is now in San Antonio, Texas, will remain there, because I do not think that is yet [safe] and I think it will be a while before it does [get safe]," he added.

City officials have set evacuation procedures in place for future hurricane threats and members of the civil engineer panel agree that, for the time being, that is the best response. David Daniel says New Orleans was spared the main force of Katrina because it moved to the east of the city and yet it still caused the levees to leak and break at over 50 separate locations. He says a direct hit by a more powerful storm would have an even worse effect.

"The only question is when, not if. We must be prepared for it and we must make use of the calculations that are being made that show the potential impact of even larger hurricanes striking at different points," explained Mr. Daniel.  "It is a genuine and true threat and, certainly, there is no assurance whatsoever 12 that even worse conditions could not develop with a different hurricane."

Daniel says the main point he and the other civil engineers on the panel want to make is that safety should be the first priority. He says the technical ability to protect New Orleans exists.  What is now needed is the political will to make it happen.

  • The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.这家医院有内科病房和外科病房。
  • During the evening picnic,I'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs.傍晚野餐时,我要点根火把,抵挡蚊虫。
实体对像; 实体,独立存在体,实际存在物( entity的名词复数 )
  • Our newspaper and our printing business form separate corporate entities. 我们的报纸和印刷业形成相对独立的企业实体。
  • The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities. 北美大陆是由三个构造单元组成的。
  • Let me reiterate that we have absolutely no plans to increase taxation.让我再一次重申我们绝对没有增税的计划。
  • I must reiterate that our position on this issue is very clear.我必须重申我们对这一项议题的立场很清楚。
  • I owe it to you that I survived the catastrophe.亏得你我才大难不死。
  • This is a catastrophe beyond human control.这是一场人类无法控制的灾难。
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
  • The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.两位领导人之间的鸿沟难以跨越。
  • There is a gulf between the two cities.这两座城市间有个海湾。
  • The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat.医疗队由于在战场上的英勇表现而受嘉奖。
  • When the war broke out,he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。
  • The supply is inadequate to meet the demand.供不应求。
  • She was inadequate to the demands that were made on her.她还无力满足对她提出的各项要求。
  • Really great men are essentially modest.真正的伟人大都很谦虚。
  • She is an essentially selfish person.她本质上是个自私自利的人。
  • Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.垂钓者必须事先得到公园管理者的许可。
  • You cannot take a day off without authorization.未经批准你不得休假。
  • You must take heed of what he has told.你要注意他所告诉的事。
  • For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance.这是他第一次非得注意自己的外表不可了。
  • There's no reason whatsoever to turn down this suggestion.没有任何理由拒绝这个建议。
  • All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you,do ye even so to them.你想别人对你怎样,你就怎样对人。
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