时间:2019-01-12 作者:英语课 分类:2006年VOA标准英语(九月)


By Meredith Buel
25 September 2006

Afghan President Hamid Karzai says the upsurge of narcotics 1 in his country is feeding terrorism and is an embarrassment 2 to the Afghan people. In a speech in Washington, Mr. Karzai also called for Pakistan to close down any religious schools that are teaching hatred 3 and religious extremism to young people. 


Hamid Karzai arrives for his address at Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, Sept. 25, 2006
Hamid Karzai arrives for his address at Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington, Sept. 25, 2006


President Karzai told an audience at the Wilson Center that growing poppies to produce heroin 4 represents about 30 percent of Afghanistan's economy.

"It is a very serious problem. It is what also is feeding terrorism," he said. "It is an embarrassment to us, the Afghan people. But it is, as much as we hate it, as much as it is an embarrassment, it is also unfortunately a reality, an economic reality."

Mr. Karzai says the Afghan government is committed to destroying poppy production, but that international assistance is needed.

He predicted it could take 10 years to completely eradicate 5 the crop.

The Afghan president also spoke 6 of the recent resurgence 7 of Taleban militants 8 in southern Afghanistan.

U.S. military officials have expressed concerns about the upsurge in fighting, which has worsened despite the presence of 21,000 American troops and about 19,000 soldiers from other NATO nations.

Relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan have been strained over accusations 9 from Afghan officials that Islamabad is not doing enough to fight militants who are crossing their long, mountainous border.

Pakistan rejects the accusation 10, saying it has deployed 11 80,000 troops in remote border areas.

During his speech, President Karzai says Pakistan must close religious schools, or madrassas, he says are training suicide bombers 12 and other terrorists.

"There will not be an end to terrorism unless we remove the sources of hatred in madrassas, the training grounds and the reliance of some entities 13 in that part of the world on extremism as instruments of policy," he said.

Mr. Karzai is scheduled to hold talks with President Bush on Tuesday. The two men are scheduled to have dinner Wednesday with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and are expected to discuss cooperation in the war on terror.

n.麻醉药( narcotic的名词复数 );毒品;毒
  • The use of narcotics by teenagers is a problem in many countries. 青少年服用麻醉药在许多国家中都是一个问题。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Police shook down the club, looking for narcotics. 警方彻底搜查了这个俱乐部,寻找麻醉品。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • She could have died away with embarrassment.她窘迫得要死。
  • Coughing at a concert can be a real embarrassment.在音乐会上咳嗽真会使人难堪。
  • He looked at me with hatred in his eyes.他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
  • The old man was seized with burning hatred for the fascists.老人对法西斯主义者充满了仇恨。
  • Customs have made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.海关查获了有史以来最大的一批海洛因。
  • Heroin has been smuggled out by sea.海洛因已从海上偷运出境。
  • These insects are very difficult to eradicate.这些昆虫很难根除。
  • They are already battling to eradicate illnesses such as malaria and tetanus.他们已经在努力消灭疟疾、破伤风等疾病。
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
  • A resurgence of his grief swept over Nim.悲痛又涌上了尼姆的心头。
  • Police say drugs traffickers are behind the resurgence of violence.警方说毒贩是暴力活动重新抬头的罪魁祸首。
激进分子,好斗分子( militant的名词复数 )
  • The militants have been sporadically fighting the government for years. 几年来,反叛分子一直对政府实施零星的战斗。
  • Despite the onslaught, Palestinian militants managed to fire off rockets. 尽管如此,巴勒斯坦的激进分子仍然发射导弹。
n.指责( accusation的名词复数 );指控;控告;(被告发、控告的)罪名
  • There were accusations of plagiarism. 曾有过关于剽窃的指控。
  • He remained unruffled by their accusations. 对于他们的指控他处之泰然。
  • I was furious at his making such an accusation.我对他的这种责备非常气愤。
  • She knew that no one would believe her accusation.她知道没人会相信她的指控。
(尤指军事行动)使展开( deploy的过去式和过去分词 ); 施展; 部署; 有效地利用
  • Tanks have been deployed all along the front line. 沿整个前线已部署了坦克。
  • The artillery was deployed to bear on the fort. 火炮是对着那个碉堡部署的。
n.轰炸机( bomber的名词复数 );投弹手;安非他明胶囊;大麻叶香烟
  • Enemy bombers carried out a blitz on the city. 敌军轰炸机对这座城市进行了突袭。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The Royal Airforce sill remained dangerously short of bombers. 英国皇家空军仍未脱离极为缺乏轰炸机的危境。 来自《简明英汉词典》
实体对像; 实体,独立存在体,实际存在物( entity的名词复数 )
  • Our newspaper and our printing business form separate corporate entities. 我们的报纸和印刷业形成相对独立的企业实体。
  • The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities. 北美大陆是由三个构造单元组成的。
acid washing liquor
acre breadth
additive for coal blending
bulk cargo clause
cementing unit
cestui que vis
conditional dominance
constitutive promoter element
container yard operator
contract for higher than the norm
current harmonics
degree of relation
electric telesmeter
equivalent absorption area of a surface or object
erectores pili
fallout deposition
fire basket
flitch-plate girder
flux traverse
gear running test machine
go to rack and ruin
gouge handle
grade norm
ground yarding
helium maser
high capacitance cable
hoplichthys regani
IR (internal report)
lay ratio
life throwing appliance
low level image processing
manual side grinder
materialist theory
microprocessor limitation
Mount Whitney
mutli-roll bridle
non commercial energy
oil filler hole
out of town bank
phase equations
postinflammatory elastolysis and cutis laxa
precoma diabeticum
reliability trade-offs
representation of algebras
rhipidius longicollis
rice microphone
sailor's quarters
side car wheel axle
sinful thoughts
sound policy
split beginning operation
spring of curve
statute-like norm
stellate parenchyma
system convention
Teresa Cristina
to lie down
tongue forceps
torque breakdown test
traction motor ammeter
twist bit
vanadous sulfate
venter ilii
vertical pin
Vipera russellii
working register