时间:2018-12-01 作者:英语课 分类:初中英语人教版初三


[00:06.30]第十五单元  凶手在火车上  第57课  读并表演

[00:12.59](1) Scene 1

[00:14.88]情景 1

[00:17.16]It's an early Saturday evening at the Beijing Railway Station.


[00:22.91]An excited crowd of passengers is standing 1 on Platform 6


[00:29.39]A special express train is leaving for Shanghai.


[00:34.43]The train has a new luxury 2 car.


[00:39.76]It is bright white,blue,and red,and looks like a hotel on wheels.


[00:46.63]Ladies and gentlemen,please step this way.


[00:52.09]The train is ready to board.


[00:56.22]Everyone gets in a queue 3 to board the train.


[01:01.54]The last passenger carries a small black leather suitcase.


[01:07.42]He holds it in his arms very carefully,as if it was a baby.


[01:13.80]All aboard 4! Train No.4 for Shanghai is now leaving!


[01:21.06]Scene 2

[01:22.78]情景 2

[01:24.51]The train has left the station.


[01:28.48]All but one of the passengers from the luxury car are in the dining car.


[01:35.32]The luxury car has six rooms.


[01:39.58]In the fourth,the man with the black suitcase is talking on the telephone.


[01:46.34]Hello,is that you,Mr Wang? Ma Yuan here.


[01:52.09]My,your voice is so clear!Uh ... yes,the train is on its way.


[01:59.85]We've been travelling for nearly two hours now.Yes,I'm alone.


[02:06.69]The other passengers are having their dinner in the next car.


[02:11.55]Suddenly there is a knock at the door to his room.


[02:16.62]Mr Ma is surprised and a bit nervous.


[02:21.77]Oh,wait a moment...


[02:25.32]Sorry to disturb you sir,but will you be having dinner tonight?


[02:31.88]NO,thank you.I've already had my dinner.


[02:36.42]What were you saying,Mr Wang?Yes,I'll be quite careful about it.


[02:42.69]Yes.You needn't worry.


[02:46.64]Lesson 58  2 Read and act

[02:52.11]第58课  2  阅读,表演

[02:57.58]A PLAY (2)  Scene 3

[03:00.51]剧本 2  情景 3

[03:03.43]The other five passengers return to the sleeping car.


[03:09.20]They are laughing and talking.


[03:12.65]All are wearing comfortable silk slippers 5 that the train provides.


[03:19.31]Mr Ma,it's a pity you didn't have dinner with us.


[03:25.35]Why,the new dining car is lovely!And the wine...


[03:32.79]... was delicious,as you can see.


[03:37.76]Would you like a glass of red wine?


[03:41.83]No,thank you. I don't drink.


[03:46.27]Well,neither do we,usually.But it's such a grand 6 night,isn't it


[03:54.63]Yes, it's rather fine.


[03:58.39]Uh...it's a treasure.


[04:01.55]Indeed,yes!May I ask my friend,Mr Lum Tek?

[04:04.83]的确,是的!我可以叫我的朋友,LUM TEK先生吗?

[04:08.11]He's from Hong Kong,and is an art collector who's had some training


[04:14.67]Certainly.I'll be glad to meet him.


[04:19.03]Li Ji returns a few minutes later with Mr Lum Tek and Mr Zhang,

[04:22.31]几分钟过后,李志和LUM TEK,张先生一起

[04:25.59]whose rooms are next to Mr Ma.All three do business in Shanghai.


[04:33.45]Hello,I'm Lum Tek from Kowloon and this is my friend,Zhang Hua,from Tianjin.

[04:37.72]哈罗,我叫LUM TEK来自九龙,这是我的朋友张华,来自天津.

[04:41.99]We were told that you have an old treasure to show us,Mr Ma.


[04:48.05]Indeed, I do.Here she is:"Lady Resting by a Lake."


[04:56.23]This carving 7 is more than two hundred years old.


[05:01.69]Why,I can't see any marks on it!How wonderful it is!


[05:10.15]Where on earth did you get it?


[05:14.31]It must be from a clever collector.It must be a museum piece


[05:21.96]Er-it isn't yet.But of course it will be soon enough.


[05:28.91]Mr Ma, can you tell us more about it?


[05:34.97]I'm sure it's quite a story.


[05:39.23]Lesson 59  1 Read and act

[05:48.00]第59课  1 读与表演

[05:56.78]A PLAY (3)  Scene 4

[06:00.02]剧本 3  情节 4

[06:03.26]M:It gives me great pleasure to share its story with you.


[06:08.30]But first,let me ask a question.What do you know about jade 8?


[06:17.55]X:It's sometimes called "the stone of heaven".


[06:22.30]M:Correct, and why is that?


[06:26.74]Z:We Chinese believe jade must come from heaven.


[06:31.92]As the saying goes:"There is a price for gold,but no price for jade."


[06:39.57]M:Yes, you are right,Mr Zhang.


[06:43.44]LJ:Can you tell us a bit more about this carving?




[06:50.75]Often mountain rivers leave jade on the river banks.


[06:56.21]But the jade of this carving was found in Tianshan by a traveller 9 on horseback


[07:03.76]He was riding a white horse looking for water.


[07:08.43]The horse was thirsty and began to stamp on the ground.


[07:13.79]Just then part of a large rock broke off.Green jade shone in the sun!


[07:23.45]X:My,my!Can you imagine how surprised the traveller was?


[07:30.22]L:Who cares about that?What happened to the jade,Mr Ma?


[07:36.28]M:The traveller told some workers in a nearby town.


[07:41.32]They agreed to help him to dig 10 out the jade.


[07:45.55]Some years later a rich man in Kashi bought it.


[07:50.39]LT:What happened to the traveller who had discovered the jade?


[07:55.64]M:No one knows.


[07:58.80]Some say the workers murdered him and sold the jade.


[08:04.15]Others say the traveller and the workers were robbed 11.


[08:08.91]Z:How did the carving get its name?


[08:12.75]M:A good question,Mr Zhang.


[08:16.38]It is said that the rich man who bought the jade


[08:21.03]was very interested in ancient China.


[08:25.39]He had read about Yang Yuhuan.


[08:29.26]LT:Wasn't she the lady Emperor Xuanzong loved very much?


[08:35.42]M:Why,yes,that's right!She was famous for her beauty.


[08:42.19]Words And Expressions 15

[08:51.57]murder               narrator             attendant            platform

[08:56.63]v.& n.谋杀;凶杀      n.叙述者;做旁白的人  n.服务员;接待员      n.月台;讲台

[09:01.70]express              luxury               gentleman            board

[09:06.72]adj.快运的;快递的    adj.豪华的;奢侈的    n.绅士               v.上(船);坐(船);上

[09:11.73]suitcase             act                  silly                kick

[09:16.30]n.手提箱             v.& n.行为;行动      adj.愚蠢的           v.踢

[09:20.88]Kowloon              jade                 mark                 heaven

[09:25.55]n.九龙               n.翡翠;玉            n.瑕疵;污点;痕迹     n.天堂

[09:30.23]stamp                break off            uniform              murderer 12

[09:35.45]v.跺(脚,地板等)踏步  脱落;断掉            n.制服               n.谋杀者;杀人犯

1 standing
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
2 luxury
  • He invited me to his suite. The luxury takes your breath away.他请我到他的套房里去,那豪华的气派真会令你吃惊。
  • The government has imposed strict reins on the import of luxury goods.政府对奢侈品的进口有严格的控制手段。
3 queue
n.队列;辫子;长队;vt.梳成辫子;vi. 排队
  • To what window are you standing in a queue?你在排哪个窗口的队?
  • I had to queue for quite a while.我不得不排一会儿队。
4 aboard
  • They were all aboard the ship last night.昨天夜里他们都在船上。
  • He checked their names off as they went aboard the plane.在他们登上飞机时,他登记上了他们的姓名。
5 slippers
n. 拖鞋
  • a pair of slippers 一双拖鞋
  • He kicked his slippers off and dropped on to the bed. 他踢掉了拖鞋,倒在床上。
6 grand
  • The pianist played several pieces of music on a grand piano.钢琴家在一架大钢琴上弹了几首乐曲。
  • Come on,I'll give you the grand tour of the backyard.跟我来,我带你去后院来一次盛大的旅游。
7 carving
  • All the furniture in the room had much carving.房间里所有的家具上都有许多雕刻。
  • He acquired the craft of wood carving in his native town.他在老家学会了木雕手艺。
8 jade
  • The statue was carved out of jade.这座塑像是玉雕的。
  • He presented us with a couple of jade lions.他送给我们一对玉狮子。
9 traveller
  • Almost every traveller carried about a camera.几乎每个旅行者都带着相机。
  • It is nothing but a traveller's tale.这只不过是海外奇谈。
10 dig
  • It is difficult to dig the ground when it is frozen.地面冻住了就不易挖掘。
  • In those days we often went to dig for wild vegetables.那时候我们常常出去挖野菜。
11 robbed
v.抢夺( rob的过去式和过去分词 );抢劫;掠夺;使丧失
  • Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you? 你能够认出那个抢你东西的人吗? 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They stood looking on while the man was robbed. 正当那个人被抢劫时,他们却站在那儿袖手旁观。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 murderer
  • How long should a murderer be kept in prison?犯了谋杀罪的人应在监狱关多少年?
  • They discovered the murderer to have run away.他们发现凶手已逃之夭夭。
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