时间:2019-01-08 作者:英语课 分类:奥运英语


  How long does it take to fly to Shanghai?

  A I suppose that to go by train is cheaper, but I don't have much time.

  A 我想乘火车更便宜一些,但是我没有那么多的时间。

  B Maybe you should go by air. It 'll be much quicker.

  B 也许你应该乘飞机去。那会快很多。

  A How long does it take to fly to Shanghai?

  A 乘飞机到上海需要多长时间?

  B It's only about an hour.

  B 大约只需要一个小时。

  A And there are many flights every day, aren't there?

  A 每天都有很多次航班吗?

  B Yes, but it'll be more expensive than travelling by train.

  B 是的,但是乘飞机比坐火车要贵得多。

  Notes 注释

  1 If you want to ask how much time something takes, you can say: How long does it take to fly to Shanghai? / How long does it take to fly to Shanghai? ;How long does the opera last? / How long does the opera last?

  如果你要问做某事需要多长时间,你可以说:How long does it take to fly to Shanghai? / 乘飞机到上海需要多长时间?;How long does the opera last? / 歌剧演出要多长时间?

  2 Remember, if you only compare two things, use the comparative 1 form: it is much quicker /it is much quicker; It's more expensive than travelling by train. / It's more expensive than travelling by train.

  记住,如果你想比较两个事物,用比较级形式:it is much quicker / 快得多; It's more expensive than travelling by train. / 比乘火车要贵得多。

  Key phrases 2 and sentences

  I suppose that to go by train is cheaper, but I don't have much time.

  Maybe you should go by air.

  It is much quicker.

  How long does it take to fly to Shanghai?

  It's only about an hour.

  And there are many flights every day, aren't there?

  Yes, but it'll be more expensive than travelling by train.

  • After many hardships,he now lives in comparative ease.经过许多困难之后,他现在的生活相对舒适。
  • Let's make a comparative study of the two languages.让我们将这两种语言作一下比较研究。
n.短语( phrase的名词复数 );成语;说法;乐句
  • Sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 体育解说员翻来覆去说着同样的词语,真叫人腻烦。
  • Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 电视体育解说员说来说去就是那么几句话,令人厌烦。 来自《简明英汉词典》