时间:2019-01-08 作者:英语课 分类:2006年NPR美国国家公共电台

From NPR News, this is All Things Considered, I'm Michelle Norris.
And I'm Robert Siegel. Though he has been dead for more than 390 years, William Shakespeare is still selling big. Over a million of his books are sold every year; there've been more than 600 film or television adaptations of his work including animated 1 versions. His likeness 2 and his famous quotes are used to sell everything from Budweiser to luxury cars. If he were alive today, Shakespeare would probably be at the center of a multimedia 3 empire. NPR's Elizabeth Blair has been asking around, what a Shakespeare Incorporated might look like.

If Shakespeare were alive, he might be in real estate.
"He was a capitalist, there's no doubt about that."
Longtime Shakespearean actor Patrick Stewart says Shakespeare made some money as a writer over the course of his career, but his real wealth seems to have come from owning shares in the Globe Theatre, as well as a substantial amount of property. Shakespeare bought up large tracks of land when English property laws changed and common land converted to private ownership.
"He was involved in closures, land enclosures which although very profitable for the wealthy men who were able to participate in these ventures, it was not good news for the ordinary towns' person. So for those of us who'd like to think of him as, perhaps, one of the world's great humanists, however, the picture is a little darker.
"I see my reputation is at stake; My fame is shrewdly gaud."
"Oh, then beware, those wounds heal ill of men who give themselves."
But Patrick Stewart says Shakespeare Incorporated would also make a lot of money from its namesake's writing. Today, Shakespeare's works are in the public domain 4, but were he alive, he would be collecting thousands of dollars in royalties 5 just as Neil Simon does, from the hundreds of productions of his plays in the US alone. One theatre director in Denver, for example, said that his company's five-week run of Measure for Measure had ticket sales of 470,000 dollars. So Shakespeare's royalty 6 would be about 10 percent or 47,000 dollars. That's just one theatre in a medium-sized market. Shakespeare's company would pay close attention to which shows were big hits. Michael Kahn is the artistic 7 director of the Shakespeare theatre in Washington D.C:
"I don't know whether he would, how many performances of Titus Andronicus and Henry VIII he'd be doing over the years. I hope he wouldn't though, I hope he wouldn't keep putting on Romeo and Juliet, I hope he wouldn’t. Actually, let Coriolanus show up every once in a while"
"What's the matter, you dissentious rogues 8, That, rubbing the poor itch 9 of your opinion, Make yourselves scabs?"
"We have ever your good word."
"He that will give good words to thee will flatter beneath abhorring 10."
Then there is the publishing arm of Shakespeare Incorporated which would sell several million books a year. Shakespeare titles sold more than 775,000 copies in the US last year. Shakespeare's translated into over a hundred languages, so publishing royalties would rake in at least ten million dollars a year. Like Steven King, Shakespeare has spawned 11 a cottage industry of film and television productions. They don't always make money, but a little like Woody Allen movies. They are seen as prestige opportunities for big stars, say Mel Gibson, or Leonardo DiCaprio to show their acting 12 chops. Kenneth Branagh has completely immersed themselves in the Shakespeare canon as an actor and director. If Shakespeare were alive, Branagh probably wouldn't have been nominated for an Oscar, for best adapted screenplay for his unabridged version of Hamlet. Then again, the bard 13 himself would be vulnerable to charges of plagiarism 14. Barbara Hodgdon is author of the Shakespeare Trade.
"Only three plays are plays without plots that he borrowed from somewhere else. So if he were writing in that way today, he would certainly need a team of lawyers to handle the lawsuits 15."
" The first thing we do, let's kill the lawyers."
They say there is nothing new on television with his penchant 16 for stealing ideas. Maybe that would be Shakespeare's medium of choice. That's Gary Taylor's prediction. He is the author of "Reinventing Shakespeare", and a professor at Florida State University.
"I used to tell my students that he'd probably be writing for the sopranos, because that's all about men, and power struggles between men, which are Shakespeare's great subject. I now think that maybe he'd be writing instead for Deadwood.
"Deadwood" is HBO's popular western, often described as Shakespearean in style.
"Because he specializes in stories about the past, and a sort of a mythology 17 of the past."
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."
But maybe Hollywood wouldn't go for Shakespeare at all.
"If Shakespeare were alive, would we hire him? You know it depends who represented him."
David Milch is the creator of Deadwood, he used to lecture on English literature at Yale. Milch says, unless Shakespeare had a really powerful agent, he wouldn't even take his calls.
"Mike Ovich calls, that's something I gotta pay attention to. I could tell you something prettier, but that's the truth of it."
He'd also need an influential 18 manager. Burny Bronstein agreed to play along and pretend that Shakespeare was his client.
"I never would have known Romeo and Juliet would have been a hit, so I would have just got them a publisher and not paid any attention to it. But then the reviews came in, and I started paying a lot of attention to him. And I'd say do you have any other ideas, and he would say: How about the Merchant of Venice. And I would say uh-huh, a guy who sells bathing suit in Venice, California, that sounds very good for television."
"Signior Antonio, many a time and oft In the Rialto you have reviled 19 me about my moneys and my usances: Still have I borne it with a patient shrug 20, for sufferance is the badge of all our tribe."
Shakespeare was a crowd pleaser and a shrewd businessman. He might be another Spielberg, running a company like DreamWorks, turning out romantic comedies and historical dramas. Shakespeare Incorporated would no doubt have a marketing 21 division that would conduct focus groups, famously hostile to dark endings, a hallmark of Shakespeare's dramas. Michael Kahn hopes he wouldn't bend to the pressure and change his scripts.
"And I hope he wouldn't give up his artistic vision. However, would he live happily ever after? I know he wouldn't"
But Hollywood is pretty forceful when it comes to those happy endings. A few years ago when Tim Blake Nelson directed a film adaptation of Shakespeare's Othello called O, the producers tried to get him to change the ending, so that Desdemona lived.
"I was able because we were adapting a Shakespeare play to say: Fine, go ahead and change the ending, and have her live, and I'll take my name off it, and you'll be the ones who change Shakespeare. And since we had that gorilla 22 in the room, they weren't gonna do that."
Forbes magazine once estimated conservatively, that if there were a Shakespeare estate, it would earn about 15 million dollars a year. If Shakespeare were alive and aggressively marketing his work, he would be worth a lot more than that. So imagine him, in his mansion 23 in Connecticut, going over his portfolio 24, perhaps considering a takeover from Time Warner or the Weinstein Company. On the other hand, as Hollywood insider Berney Bronstein put it: Shakespeare? He’s too talented to be successful in today's market. Elizabeth Blair, NPR news.
A gaudy 25 or showy ornament 26 or trinket.
A person regarded as contemptible 27.
【俚语】 恶棍:被蔑视为无赖之人
rake in
A definite liking 28; a strong inclination 29.See Synonyms 30 at predilection 31
偏爱:强烈的倾向;嗜好参见 predilection
常常, 再三
辱骂, 斥责
大猩猩, 壮而残暴的男人, <俚>歹徒(尤指使用暴力者)

  • His observations gave rise to an animated and lively discussion.他的言论引起了一场气氛热烈而活跃的讨论。
  • We had an animated discussion over current events last evening.昨天晚上我们热烈地讨论时事。
  • I think the painter has produced a very true likeness.我认为这位画家画得非常逼真。
  • She treasured the painted likeness of her son.她珍藏她儿子的画像。
  • Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology.多媒体是计算机和视频技术的结合。
  • Adam raised the issue of multimedia applications and much useful discussion ensued.亚当提出了多媒体应用的问题,从而引发了许多有益的讨论。
  • This information should be in the public domain.这一消息应该为公众所知。
  • This question comes into the domain of philosophy.这一问题属于哲学范畴。
  • I lived on about £3,000 a year from the royalties on my book. 我靠着写书得来的每年约3,000英镑的版税生活。 来自辞典例句
  • Payments shall generally be made in the form of royalties. 一般应采取提成方式支付。 来自经济法规部分
  • She claims to be descended from royalty.她声称她是皇室后裔。
  • I waited on tables,and even catered to royalty at the Royal Albert Hall.我做过服务生, 甚至在皇家阿伯特大厅侍奉过皇室的人。
  • The picture on this screen is a good artistic work.这屏风上的画是件很好的艺术品。
  • These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends.外国朋友很喜欢这些美术工艺品。
n.流氓( rogue的名词复数 );无赖;调皮捣蛋的人;离群的野兽
  • 'I'll show these rogues that I'm an honest woman,'said my mother. “我要让那些恶棍知道,我是个诚实的女人。” 来自英汉文学 - 金银岛
  • The rogues looked at each other, but swallowed the home-thrust in silence. 那些恶棍面面相觑,但只好默默咽下这正中要害的话。 来自英汉文学 - 金银岛
  • Shylock has an itch for money.夏洛克渴望发财。
  • He had an itch on his back.他背部发痒。
v.憎恶( abhor的现在分词 );(厌恶地)回避;拒绝;淘汰
  • He is a very upright man, abhorring evil as a deadly foe. 他具有正义感,一向嫉恶如仇。 来自互联网
(鱼、蛙等)大量产(卵)( spawn的过去式和过去分词 ); 大量生产
  • The band's album spawned a string of hit singles. 这支乐队的专辑繁衍出一连串走红的单曲唱片。
  • The computer industry has spawned a lot of new companies. 由于电脑工业的发展,许多新公司纷纷成立。
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
  • I'll use my bard song to help you concentrate!我会用我的吟游诗人歌曲帮你集中精神!
  • I find him,the wandering grey bard.我发现了正在徘徊的衰老游唱诗人。
  • Teachers in America fight to control cheating and plagiarism.美国老师们努力对付欺骗和剽窃的问题。
  • Now he's in real trouble.He's accused of plagiarism.现在他是真遇到麻烦了。他被指控剽窃。
n.诉讼( lawsuit的名词复数 )
  • Lawsuits involving property rights and farming and grazing rights increased markedly. 涉及财产权,耕作与放牧权的诉讼案件显著地增加。 来自辞典例句
  • I've lost and won more lawsuits than any man in England. 全英国的人算我官司打得最多,赢的也多,输的也多。 来自辞典例句
  • She has a penchant for Indian food.她爱吃印度食物。
  • He had a penchant for playing jokes on people.他喜欢拿人开玩笑。
  • In Greek mythology,Zeus was the ruler of Gods and men.在希腊神话中,宙斯是众神和人类的统治者。
  • He is the hero of Greek mythology.他是希腊民间传说中的英雄。
  • He always tries to get in with the most influential people.他总是试图巴结最有影响的人物。
  • He is a very influential man in the government.他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。
v.辱骂,痛斥( revile的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The tramp reviled the man who drove him off. 流浪汉辱骂那位赶他走开的人。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The old man reviled against corruption. 那老人痛斥了贪污舞弊。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • With a shrug,he went out of the room.他耸一下肩,走出了房间。
  • I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism.我很佩服她能对错误的批评意见不予理会。
  • They are developing marketing network.他们正在发展销售网络。
  • He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。
  • I was awed by the huge gorilla.那只大猩猩使我惊惧。
  • A gorilla is just a speechless animal.猩猩只不过是一种不会说话的动物。
  • The old mansion was built in 1850.这座古宅建于1850年。
  • The mansion has extensive grounds.这大厦四周的庭园广阔。
  • He remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio.他因为她带着一个大公文包而记住了她。
  • He resigned his portfolio.他辞去了大臣职务。
  • She was tricked out in gaudy dress.她穿得华丽而俗气。
  • The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.浮华的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向它道谢的。
  • The flowers were put on the table for ornament.花放在桌子上做装饰用。
  • She wears a crystal ornament on her chest.她的前胸戴了一个水晶饰品。
  • His personal presence is unimpressive and his speech contemptible.他气貌不扬,言语粗俗。
  • That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend.那是对朋友玩弄的一出可鄙的把戏。
  • The word palate also means taste or liking.Palate这个词也有“口味”或“嗜好”的意思。
  • I must admit I have no liking for exaggeration.我必须承认我不喜欢夸大其词。
  • She greeted us with a slight inclination of the head.她微微点头向我们致意。
  • I did not feel the slightest inclination to hurry.我没有丝毫着急的意思。
同义词( synonym的名词复数 )
  • If you want to grasp English, you must carefully discriminate synonyms. 如果你想掌握好英语,你必须仔细区分同义词。
  • Study the idioms and synonyms l wrote down before your test. 学考试前我给你写的习惯用语和同义字。
  • He has a predilection for rich food.他偏好油腻的食物。
  • Charles has always had a predilection for red-haired women.查尔斯对红头发女人一直有偏爱。
a head of steam
adjustable premium
angle of displacement
animal resting place vegetation
anodic passivity
arrival at port
be in bits
Bolt's sign
brown nosing
camot number
canales centralis
chlorinated lubricant
climatic laboratory
conversion pig (iron)
death houses
dibenzyl sulfoxide
electro-optic modulators
elevation-capacity curve
encroach upon sb's time
full arch
gasification underground
headwall gap
healing sore and relieving pain
high tenssion (high voltage)
imf board of executive directors
in orbit
kutta-joukowski law
laemodonta bella
lepisosteus osseuss
man-made system
mechanical characteristic
message marker
middle cervical ganglion
moderator band
obligatory annual contribution
of good station
parameter calculation procedure
parity sheet
paying-in slip
pole of the ecliptic
political landscape
predominant dampness causing weak yang
provoke sb to anger
public places
pulverized coalapparatus
qinghai lake
quantitative differential thermal analysis
reverse electrode phenomena
sanity check
search-stopping mechanism
seismogenic zones
shoran-controlled photography
silver wattles
smaller multangular bone
solublecored oil cooling gallery
SRO (senior reactor operator)
Stanton St John
synthliboramphus wumizusume
technical documentation library
the rose bowl
time-varying network
trade newspaper
true cyst
unregistered shares
unrestricted ballot
usage parameter control (upc)
vehicle transportation lighter
vena phrenicas
worst case execution time