时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:英语趣味课堂

Alex: What about your personality 1 or your characteristics 2?
Maria: I would like to be more studious for school because I am not that much of a stay-at-home-all-nigh- to-study person. I look at my textbook and I really try but then I realize I could be doing something else so I just go out and do something else and I don't do my homework and I don't fail because I am at least smart enough to pass but sometimes it's a struggle to get through. So yes, I would like to be more studious and more maybe hesitant in my answers because I talk before I think at some point sometimes. I do like my open personality though, like being for example when we went out partying yesterday, I was talking to everybody which was very nice and people seemed to like that open-attitude and as long as you're not being open and arrogant 3 because I try not to.
Alex: Yeah.
Maria: If you're being open because you're interested in the person you're talking to then you get more positive responses so I do like that.
Alex: But being so open has caused you problems as well. I remember that guy thought that you liked him because you were so nice to him.
Maria: That wasn't supposed to happen. I can't help it. There was a guy in my school, I don't know the guy, he's probably in his forties, who went over and talked to me and it was just impossible for me to say go away so I ended up giving him my phone number and now he calls me every night at half past twelve on my phone which is very loud and very annoying.
Alex: Every night?
Maria: When I pick up, well he stopped now because I don't pick up any more, but in the beginning he just, I pick up the phone and he said hi and then I said what do you want and then he said nothing much but how are you, like really he didn't even want anything. He just wanted to talk to me and yeah that kind of problem happens more than often because I can't help it.
Alex: What would you like to change about your status like a new house, a job, a boyfriend, anything like that?
Maria: I would not mind finding 4 a nice guy. I would not at all. I don't know about the specifics 5 and I'm not even sure I can handle a relationship right now, maybe I just want to meet somebody to try and work it out with but that's probably not the most important thing because I love where I live, I love my study, I don't have a job and that's really nice. I do have, I've saved up money before traveling so I do have a lot of money right now so I don't need to work and it's nice.
Alex: At the moment?
Maria: At the moment.


Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
I would like to be more studious for school.
If you are 'studious,' you are very serious about your studies. Notice the following:
Both of his sisters are very studious, but he has never liked school.
She has always been a fast learner and very studious.
a struggle to get through
It's a struggle to get through.
You 'struggle to get through' something when it is difficult for you. Notice the following:
The end of that book is a real struggle to get through.
People say that the last five miles of a marathon 6 are a struggle to get through.
People seemed to like an open-attitude.
When you have an 'open-attitude,' you are approachable to people and they feel comfortable around you. Notice the following:
He makes you feel comfortable right away because of his open-attitude.
One of the reasons that she is a good employee 7 is her open-attitude.
to be open
Being so open has caused you problems.
You are 'open' with others when you are willing 8 to talk to them about your life and maybe your problems.  We can also use this to mean friendly. Notice the following:
It's important to try to be open when you are meeting new people.
She is a really open person, so she has many friends.
pick up
I pick up the phone and he said hi.
To 'pick up' the phone means 9 to answer it. Notice the following:
He usually picks up his phone after two rings.
Can you please pick up the phone? I don't like the sound of it ringing.

1 personality
  • Einstein was a great personality.爱因斯坦是个伟大的人物。
  • She has a powerful personality.她有坚强的个性。
2 characteristics
n.特性,特征,特色,[数](对数的)首数( characteristic的名词复数 );独特性;性质
  • the textural characteristics of the rocks 岩石的纹理特征
  • Men have ascribed their own characteristics to their gods. 人们认为他们的特性属于诸神。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 arrogant
  • You've got to get rid of your arrogant ways.你这骄傲劲儿得好好改改。
  • People are waking up that he is arrogant.人们开始认识到他很傲慢。
4 finding
  • The finding makes some sense.该发现具有一定的意义。
  • That's an encouraging finding.这是一个鼓舞人心的发现。
5 specifics
n.详情,细节;特性;特效药( specific的名词复数);特定之物
  • Okay, that's the broad plan—let's get down to the specifics. 好,这是总的计划—下面来谈谈具体细节。
  • He speaks in concepts rather than specifics. 他讲话时尽用抽象概念,而不谈具体。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 marathon
  • I'm hoping to be in the marathon next year.我希望明年能参加马拉松赛。
  • The meeting was a bit of a marathon.这次会议有点马拉松赛的味道。
7 employee
  • Each employee received a like bonus.每个雇员都得到了相同数目的奖金。
  • They brought around a new employee this morning.他们今天早晨请来了一位新雇员。
8 willing
  • We never lack food and clothing if we're willing to work.如果我们愿意工作,就不会缺吃少穿。
  • He's quite willing to pay the price I ask.他很愿意照我的要价付钱。
9 means
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
abnormal drop
academic advisor
aetideus acutus
aplysia parvula
attend upon someone's leisure
basis of activity priority
bassenthwaite l.
bypass line
cashier's cheque outstanding
central sulcus of insula
chicken strips
cibarial apparatus
circle right
commission of authority
complementary determining region
concentric bend
cross day netting
double strap seam
drop litter
dsn-less connection
early bath
granny shot
Hertford County
hollow fuel rod
Illuminance Meters
inland delta
IP datagram
low sungear
maintaining webs
McCullagh's method
multi variate analysis
onthophagus (indachorius) koshunensis
osmotic preservation
pit granulation
polar navigation
porn storm
product size
prolonged value
radii fixus
radio-carpal joint (or antibrachio-carpal joint)
residual period
rhincalanus rostrifrons
run to you
separable mapping
serializer deserializer
slag-tap boiler
soluble wood tar
Spacebar key
specific endurance
static self-inductance
storax oil
tilt-type mixer
trade simplification act
trunk line electrification
ultraviolet-erasable programmable read-only memory
vomiting due to retention of food
warp faulty lift
water conservancy computation
wire precipitator