时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:2017年VOA慢速英语(二)月



Many Americans do not trust opinion polls. They are not moved by recent polls on the presidency 1 of Donald Trump 2.

Studies show that, nationwide, 44 percent of those questioned approve of Trump’s actions since taking office in January. But his favorability rating can rise to as high as 52 percent in some areas, depending on whom is questioned.

Much of his support comes from rural communities in states like Arizona.

In Mohave County, Arizona, three out of four people voted for Donald Trump. That is more than in any other county in Arizona.

Many people in Mohave Country believe Trump is doing a good job as president. They agreed with him that bad news about his presidency comes from three sources: the media, members of the Democratic Party and critics who have an interest in keeping things the way they are.

Sam Scarmardo owns a gun store and is a Trump supporter.

“Sometimes he’s a little bombastic 4,” he says of Trump. “But behind the bombast 3 and show, there’s a whole lot of thought on what will make America great again, and America does need to be great again.”

Arizona is a state with relatively 5 few rules on gun ownership.

Scarmardo believes Trump supports gun rights. His store sells silencers for handguns and ammunition 6 to shoppers. They can also sign rental 7 agreements to borrow a high-powered rifle or machine gun.

Scarmardo says gun ownership is an American tradition. But he notes, guns are not the top issue for people in Arizona.

“Immigration’s number one,” he says. “We have people in this town that are out of work or underemployed, totally unemployed 8, that can’t feed their own families and we have a terrible influx 9 of illegal aliens.”

A community struggling to recover economically

The area around Lake Havasu City, in Mohave County, has struggled since the economic crisis of 2008.

Lake Havasu became known for its water sports and warm weather in the 1970s. It had many visitors from California, Northern states and even Western Canada.

The city is home to the London Bridge, a 19th century structure that once stretched across the River Thames. The bridge now crosses part of the lake, which was created by building a dam on the Colorado River.

Scarmardo attends a weekly breakfast with a group of men who support the Republican Party. These people are among the president’s strongest supporters.

At one recent gathering 10, several women were also present.

Jeanne Kentch is the Mohave County Assessor. She supports the president’s temporary travel ban on people from seven mainly Muslim countries. A federal court has suspended enforcement of the ban.

Kentch says conservatives like her often are accused of being homophobic and sexist. She says the ban’s critics are ignoring that conservatives do not support the legal discrimination against gays and women in many Muslim countries.

Another woman at the meeting, Diane Klostermeier, asked, “What is wrong with trying to protect the people from terrorists entering our country?”

Some people in Lake Havasu worry that the United States is too divided by politics and culture. Arizona also shares a border with Mexico.

One man at the breakfast said he hoped that Trump will repair U.S. relations with Mexico. Those relations have been hurt by Trump’s plan to build a wall along the border and have Mexico pay for it.

Gordon Groat, a member of the Lake Havasu City Council, has worked in international trade. He says the wall, “implies strained relations with the entirety of the Western hemisphere through Latin America.”

Groat worries that the tension, in his words, “creates a great entrée point for countries like China,” which can then build financial influence in the area. Groat says he trusts that President Trump, as an international businessman, can deal with this complex situation.

The voters at the meeting say they believe Trump understands American business and American values. They say, although others are criticizing the president, they are glad to see change brought to Washington, D.C.

Words in This Story

bombastic – adj. speech or writing meant to sound important but is not sincere

influx – n. the arrival of many people

homophobic – adj. afraid of homosexuals

implies – v. express something indirectly 11, to suggest

entirety – n. the whole or total amount

poll - n. a public opinion study

favorability – n. winning approval

source – n. cause; beginning

  • Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the United States.罗斯福连续当选四届美国总统。
  • Two candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency.两位候选人最终成为总统职位竞争者。
  • He was never able to trump up the courage to have a showdown.他始终鼓不起勇气摊牌。
  • The coach saved his star player for a trump card.教练保留他的明星选手,作为他的王牌。
  • There was no bombast or conceit in his speech.他的演讲并没有夸大其词和自吹自擂。
  • Yasha realized that Wolsky's bombast was unnecessary.雅夏看出沃尔斯基是在无中生有地吹嘘。
  • The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected.候选人大肆吹嘘,一旦他当选将要如何如何。
  • The orator spoke in a bombastic manner.这位演说家的讲话言过其实。
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
  • A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了。
  • They have expended all their ammunition.他们把弹药用光。
  • The yearly rental of her house is 2400 yuan.她这房子年租金是2400元。
  • We can organise car rental from Chicago O'Hare Airport.我们可以安排提供从芝加哥奥黑尔机场出发的租车服务。
  • There are now over four million unemployed workers in this country.这个国家现有四百万失业人员。
  • The unemployed hunger for jobs.失业者渴望得到工作。
  • The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.这个国家实在不能接纳这么多涌入的难民。
  • Textile workers favoured protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth.纺织工人拥护贸易保护措施,因为他们担心涌入廉价纺织品。
  • He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.他请怀特先生在集会上讲话。
  • He is on the wing gathering material for his novels.他正忙于为他的小说收集资料。
  • I heard the news indirectly.这消息我是间接听来的。
  • They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.通过一位中间人,他们进行了间接接触。
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