时间:2019-02-04 作者:英语课 分类:英语新闻


   JERUSALEM, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- A recent study carried out by Israeli researchers showed that the experience of motherhood is caused by alterations 1 in the brain functions that help mothers locate and communicate with their offspring, especially if they are in distress 2.

  Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem said the results provide insight into how neural 3 changes in response to odors and sounds help maternal 4 behaviors develop in mothers.
  "We know that distinct brain changes are linked with motherhood, " Dr. Adi Mizrahi, who conducted the research, said, "but the impact of these changes on sensory 5 processing and the emergence 6 of maternal behaviors are largely unknown."
  Mizrahi and his colleagues examined whether the primary auditory cortex -- a region in the brain that is involved in the recognition of sounds -- might serve to process the responses to their offspring's specific smell and voice.
  The research proved that the olfactory 7 and auditory senses of female mice with their pups were triggered immediately after they gave birth, with especially strong responses to cries of distress.
  "These processes help to explain how changes in the cortex in the brain facilitate efficient detection of pups," Mizrahi said.

n.改动( alteration的名词复数 );更改;变化;改变
  • Any alterations should be written in neatly to the left side. 改动部分应书写清晰,插在正文的左侧。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code. 基因突变是指DNA 密码的改变。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Nothing could alleviate his distress.什么都不能减轻他的痛苦。
  • Please don't distress yourself.请你不要忧愁了。
  • The neural network can preferably solve the non- linear problem.利用神经网络建模可以较好地解决非线性问题。
  • The information transmission in neural system depends on neurotransmitters.信息传递的神经途径有赖于神经递质。
  • He is my maternal uncle.他是我舅舅。
  • The sight of the hopeless little boy aroused her maternal instincts.那个绝望的小男孩的模样唤起了她的母性。
  • Human powers of sensory discrimination are limited.人类感官分辨能力有限。
  • The sensory system may undergo long-term adaptation in alien environments.感觉系统对陌生的环境可能经过长时期才能适应。
  • The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.最近10年见证了经济增长的姿态。
  • Language emerges and develops with the emergence and development of society.语言是随着社会的产生而产生,随着社会的发展而发展的。
  • He is to develop a sensor to substitute for the olfactory abilities of dogs.克罗克将研制一种传感器用以代替狗的嗅觉功能。
  • Based on these findings, Keller suspects that each person has an olfactory blind spot.根据这些发现,凯勒推断,每个人都有一个嗅觉盲区。
标签: alter brain