Banyan The great wave 滔天巨浪 A look at how Japan views the seaand itself 日本之自身观amp;海洋观解读 Jun 2nd 2011 | from the print edition AT AROUND the age of 70, Katsushika Hokusai, still bounding with artistic energy, created Thirt

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Busted flush 好景不再 How a Sino-Lao special economic zone hit the skids 一个中国老挝边境经济特区如何走向衰落 May 26th 2011 | BOTEN, LAOS | from the print edition AT HOME and abroad, China is a byword for fast-track development,

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Europe's debt saga欧洲的债务援助行动 Every which way but solved 远未解决 A bail-out strategy as bankrupt as Greece should be ditched. It probably wont be 本应放弃像希腊一样没有偿债能力的纾困措施。但也许未必如此

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Microsoft's gamble 微软的赌博 A big phone bill 微软天价收购Skype The price that Microsoft is paying for Skype looks high 微软将向Skype支付天价收购金 May 12th 2011 | SAN FRANCISCO | from The Economist print edition STEVE BALLMER

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The Republican nomination 共和党提名 The dance of the seven tweets 七推特之舞 The former speaker starts a presidential campaign 前众院议长开始总统竞选 May 12th 2011 | WASHINGTON, DC | from the print edition NEWT GINGRICH entered

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Books and Arts; Book Review;The drug industry; 文艺;书评;药业; Pick your pill out of a hat; 开药就好比抓阄; Bad Pharma. By Ben Goldacre. 《医药行业的恶劣行径》。作者:本戈尔达克尔。 Doctors like to project

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Books and Arts; Book Review;The end of the Soviet Union; Walking dead; 文艺;书评;前苏联的末途;行尸走肉; The Last Man in Russia: The Struggle to Save a Dying Nation.By Oliver Bullough. 《俄罗斯最后一人:拯救行将灭亡之

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Women and work 女性和工作 Girl talk 女人之间的事 Working women today have it better than ever before. But few agree on how to help them rise furtheror whether they still need help at all 今天,职场女性的地位比过去已经有了显

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How money works 钱是如何运作的 Gold rush 淘金热 A good guide to the stuff in our pockets 一本关于我们囊中物的优秀指南 Money: The Unauthorised Biography. By Felix Martin. 《金钱:非授权自传》。作者:Felix Martin。

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America and the second world war 美国和第二次世界战争 The workshop heroes 车间里的英雄 A tribute to the unsung workers 致敬无名工作者 MacArthur had help engineering victory 麦克阿瑟将军曾对工程师的胜利作过贡献

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The portraits of Edouard Manet 爱德华马内的肖像画 Bold and strange 勇辟蹊径,立异标新 He worked to imbue his paintings with life as no photograph could 马内画笔下的人物生动形象,照片难以匹敌 THREE portraits share

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Finance and Economics;Generali;Ciao, Giovanni;Italys biggest insurer fires its boss. 财经;意大利忠利保险换帅;再见,乔瓦尼;意大利最大保险公司的老板被解雇了。 Rarely elegant, often brutal, sacking the boss

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Finance and Economics;Age and happiness;Pay, peers and pride; 财经;年龄和幸福;薪水、同事和自尊心; How older workers can find happiness; 多大年纪的员工能获得幸福; Knowing that you are paid less than your peers h

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Financial data 金融讯息 Seconds out 当!时间到! Is it a crime to give people an early peek at data? 将金融讯息提早透露给他人是否违法? Jul 13th 2013 2013年7月13日 MORE than a half century ago the University of Michigan

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Pensions in Nigeria 尼日利亚的退休金计划 Fewer ghosts, more savings 少消耗 多储蓄 After an unpromising start,Nigeria is beginning to encourage local saving and investment 在一个不靠谱的开端之后,尼日利亚开始鼓励当地

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Winding down failing banks 随风而逝的破产银行 Armageddon delayed 延迟的末日决战 Throwing sand into the gears of the financial doomsday machine 将沙子混入金融末日的齿轮之中 WE WILL not kick you when you are down, at least

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Campaign organizers 活动组织者 The political genie 政治中的阿拉丁神灯 New and mysterious, the campaign organiser is credited with mighty powers 活动组织者们被认为有一种新的、神秘的伟大力量 ROBIN MCGHEE's desk is a

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The results of this two-tier system have been meagre so far. The frenzy in the biggest cities stems from the central banks steady loosening of monetary policy over the past 18 months. Although warranted from an economic perspective, it was inevitable

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Would she consider the version of Eurobonds suggested by Germanys advisory council ofeconomic wise men? Under this scheme, debts exceeding 60% of GDP would be transferred into a fund with joint liability and paid off by the debtor countries over 20-2

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Circumcision in Germany 割礼在德国 Incisive arguments 激烈的争辩 A row over a ruling that circumcision for non-medical reasons is a crime 法院对出于非医疗原因实行割礼构成犯罪的裁定引发争议 The parents, both Muslims,

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 经济学人财经系列